Film/Video Production
Pre-production is the initial phase of producing an animated movie before actual animation begins. In this phase, we develop the story from scratch, including create Characters, Environments, Worlds and the [...]
Production process includes Animation and Shooting. Objects or puppets are photographed in small increments to create the illusion of movement. The process begins with setting up characters, lighting in the [...]
The post-production process in animation involves several key steps: Editing, Sound effects, Voiceovers and Music are then added to enhance the storytelling. Color correction and Visual Effects will also be [...]
IP Development
Character Development is the process of creating and building characters with unique personalities and distinct visuals, based on the ideas and direction of clients and/or creators. Characters (IPs) are seen [...]
This is the process where creators build the visual and personality of a character by sketching the shape, choosing colors, designing outfits, and adding unique details. The character's personality and [...]